Rules for playing Football game

The rules of football game are very simple. Your team members have to position themselves in such a way that each member gets to touch the ball. The ball cannot be passed to your neighbor and the ball has airtime. When the ball reaches back to the person who starts the game that is when the team scores a point. The ball should not be dropped. If dropped, it will cost the team to lose two points. In two minutes time, the members should try to pass as many balls as possible. In the end, the team has to count their points. This is called one iteration. Next, in one minute’s time, the football betting team members have to come together to discus their plans. New plans and strategies have to be made to improve their scores and the two-minute play starts again. There are five iterations in a game altogether. The winner is declared by comparing the scores with the other teams at the end of the game. In the end, there should be a ten to fifteen minute debriefing to assess what you have learnt from this game.

Before starting football betting game, there should be a two-minute introduction, two minutes to explain the rules and two minutes to prepare for the first iteration. These are some tips that will help you to play the w88 mobile  game more efficiently.



These are some tips to help you play better-

Standing closer to your team mates will help less balls to fall and thus, losing less points.

The balls can be passed to others with minimum airtime. There will be less chance to drop the balls and this will save time as well.

You can cup your hands together while passing the balls to again, reduce the risk of dropping the balls.

The balls should be passed in a faster pace so that maximum number of points can be scored.

 Smaller teams can go faster and better because smaller teams operate more efficiently and better.

During the one minute discussion time between the iterations, the members should estimate the number of points they can score in the next iteration, the changes that they want to bring in to improve their scores, write the comments on it. This deming cycle or scrum flow helps in performing better in the next iteration.

Debriefing is a very important step of the w88 โหลด game. This is the time for all the members to come together, discuss, and retrospect. Questions like- which iteration did everyone like and why? Where did they find they could do better? How did each member contribute to the game? How was the communication between the members?  Where did they feel the scrum flow?

The last but not the least step would be to take this experience and make it practical in our workplace, life or home.

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