Are you going to buy a lottery online? Some tips so you do not end up in disgust

Since the first draw and the first winner of the lottery in Spain in the mid-nineteenth century, and until the Internet was not an invention, the method to acquire the ticket was very similar; going to the point of sale, and acquire a physical ticket, with the number or numbers chosen, and waiting for the day of the draw, to know if they have given us luck.

Nowadays the most comfortable, fast and easy way to buy the ticket is online, without having to move from home and without having to worry about losing the ticket.

You just have to register on the web and enter the number or numbers you want to buy. It is not the same to go to the lottery point of sale, ask the salesperson which numbers you want, and wait for him to fill out the form, than to type the numbers you want to buy in the online form, and press the “buy” button.

With the lottery point of sale, you can see the tickets, see the numbers in detail, and realize if you have won or not, but once the ticket is sold and you lose it, it is very difficult to recover the prize.

With the online lottery, once the numbers are marked and the ticket is bought, the image of the ticket is stored in the database of the số đề company, so that, in case the ticket is lost, it can be recovered. The lottery companies, in order to encourage their customers to use their online services, offer various promotions and bonuses, such as buying the ticket through their web, you get a free number for another draw, or, if you subscribe to their services, you get an extra number for each draw.

online lottery

Some tips to buy a lottery ticket online:

  1. When you register in the lottery company you have chosen, enter your personal data in the form, and verify that the data entered is correct.
  1. When you register, you will be asked for a username and a password, which you must choose and store in a safe place, so that no one but you can use it.
  1. When you register, you will be asked for your bank account number, so that, in case you win and the prize is more than 2,000 euros, the money can be deposited into your account.
  1. Choose the lottery game you want to play, and the numbers you want to play.
  1. The lottery company will send you an email confirming your purchase, with the number or numbers chosen, the amount of the prize and the date of the draw.
  1. In case you win, you can collect the prize at the lottery point of sale, or, if the prize is more than 2,000 euros, the lottery company will deposit the money into your bank account.
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